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Every day is New Year's Day

Each new day offers an opportunity to reset our level of commitment.

Commitment, Motivation

It happens every year on January 1. We officially mark it as the beginning of a brand-new year. We fill ourselves with new dreams, a new sense of commitment, and a new lease on life. The board has been wiped clean and we are ready to start anew.

This time it's going to really happen. Any of these sound familiar?

  • I am going to create work/home balance.

  • I’m going to exercise every day and lose those extra pounds.

  • I'm going to spend more time with family and friends and less time on social media.

  • I’m going to bring my lunch to work every day.

And now it’s the middle of June. Summer has officially begun, but the commitment and motivation has waned. What happened?

  • Did too many other things stand in the way of the best laid plans?

  • Was it a little too easy to shift back into old ways when plans or special accommodations weren’t needed to support a changing way of being?

  • Some days was it too difficult to remember why the commitment was made to begin with?

Not today, but maybe tomorrow. Before you know it, the inner critic has taken over and all you hear is “what’s the use? It’s too hard! It’s not meant to be.”

What’s the use? Well for starters there is that original reason why you started on this adventure to begin with! I bet if you dig a little deeper you'll find there are plenty of solid reasons beyond "it's a new year."

Significant changes aren’t easy but that doesn’t mean they should never be initiated.

As the saying goes "Rome wasn't built in a day." Take a moment to consider what changes you’d like to make. Imagine how your life experience would shift when those changes are no longer desires but now a part of your being. I bet the feelings leave you considering the possibilities.

You'll probably find that you have all the reasons you need to become inspired again and start your new year today.



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