My Story
"My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive; to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. Surviving is important. Thriving is elegant."
Maya Angelou

I've long been intrigued by how the mind, body, and spirit work together to promote good health. While I hold conventional medicine in high regard, I also believe in the value of holistic solutions that support the whole person, not just the physical body. As such, my exploration of various "alternative" therapies and practices has fostered my belief that we as individuals have a crucial role to play in shaping and guiding our own health.

My professional journey, however, was less straightforward. After obtaining degrees in psychology and mathematics, I stumbled into an IT career. It seemed practical and I had an image of what I "should be," but when I was honest with myself, it didn't align with who I was. I enjoyed helping clients turn their business challenges into technical solutions, but I found the focus of my work didn't justify the long hours and stress. Instinctually I knew that there was something else that I should be doing that would leave me feeling fulfilled and excited for at the start of each new day.
As I reflected on my future, I realized a common theme in my life was my natural inclination to listen to people's stories and their desire to create healthier lifestyles. These interactions always energized and inspired me, sparking my interest in finding a way to support others in this area professionally. However, because change can be challenging, I was (mostly) content with my life until a personal crisis occurred, which ultimately set me on a new path.
A family crisis compelled me to support a loved one through a prolonged health issue and her final months of life. Balancing my existing responsibilities with new ones became incredibly difficult, and I felt like I was failing to manage everything. I neglected my own needs and led me to feel isolated without anyone who could truly empathize what I was going through. It was a dark point in my life.
One night, driving home exhausted and hungry, I realized that to continue to support others , I needed to focus on my own self-care. While I understood this intellectually, I struggled to put it into practice. I searched for someone who could listen with empathy and understanding without offering unsolicited advice. I wanted to be proactive and to find healthy solutions that were tailored to my needs and circumstances, and I wanted to someone to partner with me because I couldn't take on any more responsibilities on my own. Unfortunately, I never found such a person or group.
After I made it through the experience, I realized I wanted to become the type of person who could support others in achieving balance, finding resilience, and prioritizing self-care. This realization led me to leave my IT career and enroll in the University of Minnesota's Integrative Health and Wellbeing Coaching master's program. Since then I've been dedicated to helping others prioritize their health and wellbeing while navigating life's challenges, and I couldn't be happier with my decision!